York Poquoson Democratic Committee News and Notes
April 17, 2008
Greetings from the Chair:
Saturday Delegate Caucus needed only for Poquoson delegates
Only 14 people have signed up for the York County delegate race by the deadline. There were 9 Obama applicants and 5 Clinton applicants. Since we are allotted 10 Obama delegates and five Clinton delegates from York, I am cancelling the York County portion of Saturday’s caucus, and declaring all the York applicants as the winners. I still could use up to 8 more alternates for the York portion of the delegation (5 for Obama and 3 for Clinton). Let me know if you are a resident of York and wish to participate as an alternate for either candidate or if you wish to fill in our last remaining Obama delegate slot.
The unassembled caucus will be held on Saturday, April 19, 2000 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm. We will meet at the at the York County Public Library, George Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, Virginia.
* * * * *
I submitted my application to be a Democratic Party delegate to the Virginia State Democratic Convention. The Convention will be held on June 13 - 15, 2008 at the Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, Virginia. The convention elects At-Large, Party Leaders and Elected Officials, and Unpledged Add-On National Delegates and Alternates. It also elects two representatives to the Electoral College, Virginia's four members of the Democratic National Committee, and generally adopts a Platform.
When I retired from the military last year I longed to find a place for myself in the democratic process that determines how this country governs itself. I guess I am about to slide down that slippery slope in what seems to me to be a fairly big way. I have no idea about what I am about to begin, but I trust I will find out.At least, I hope so.
God bless America
You are very brave. Good luck! I think you will be very good at it.
Good for you Phillip, I am sure you will do a great job.
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