"In case anyone was still wondering whether John McCain is running the sleaziest, most dishonest campaign in history, today Karl Rove - the man who held the previous record - said McCain's ads have gone too far," said Obama campaign spokesman Tommy Vietor.
Media meme alert:
McCain/Palin are liars.
Expect to see more of this in upcoming weeks.
And it'll stick, despite being completely and utterly true.
- Skleenar, Total Farker
Wait, does anyone remember that one political candidate who was a governor, a "christian," was all folksy, pretended to be for small government but really was for corporate giveaways, and was found to be a liar during his campaign? Something about a DUI arrest that he lied about and covered up?
What ever happened to that guy? I bet whatever it was, it wasn't a winning election where he went on to rape the treasury, get us into a war on false pretense, illegally spied on his own people, and was caught several times lying and covering it up.
- timmy_the_tooth, Total Farker
- Obama campaign commercial, 14 September
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