26 April 2008

The Race Card

Our Glorious former President on the record with racist lies:

Please compare and contrast that to Obama's rational reaction:

... while the President then lies about it to NBC News team later that same day:

Yes, Mr. President, you do have to take shit for your deception.
And while you are at it, take your wagging finger out of my face before I shove it up your own ass.

* * * * *
Now, as for your wife:

Hillary Clinton ... boldly linked Obama with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and Wright with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. And when asked about Reverend Wright by The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Clinton declared, “Given all that we have heard and seen, he would not have been my pastor. While we don’t have a choice when it comes to our relatives, we do have a choice when it comes to our pastors or our church.”

Clinton is an inveterate liar — I am sorry, there is truly no other word for it — and as her ill-fated presidential campaign tumbles toward its inevitable demise, the personal deception that is at the core of her personality, and of her career, continues to reveal itself.

Only this past weekend, as Clinton continued to reference Reverend Wright in her stump speeches, the filmmaker Michael Moore reminded us that in 1998, Reverend Wright had actually been a guest at the Clinton White House, for a “prayer breakfast,” after Bill Clinton’s rather tawdry affair with intern Monica Lewinsky had been made public.

Thank you so much for your kind message," (President) Clinton wrote Wright after his visit. "I am touched by your prayers and by the many expressions of encouragement and support I have received from friends across our country. You have my best wishes."

And guess what? According to the just released schedules of Hillary Clinton by the National Archives, she was in attendance at that breakfast, too. With the one-and-only Jeremiah Wright. While her husband was seeking salvation and forgiveness.

The hypocrisy is staggering.

-Geoffrey Dunn
Black Star News

Finally, as the third-ranking Democratic Representative in Congress has it:

In an interview with The New York Times late Thursday, Mr. Clyburn said Mr. Clinton’s conduct in this campaign had caused what might be an irreparable breach between Mr. Clinton and an African-American constituency that once revered him. “When he was going through his impeachment problems, it was the black community that bellied up to the bar,” Mr. Clyburn said. “I think black folks feel strongly that that this is a strange way for President Clinton to show his appreciation.”
-Quoted in the New York Times

Not so strange at all, Mr. Clyburn. Not at all. The two of them are congenitally unable to be truthful in their pursuit of fame and glory. I grew up in a dysfunctional family -- I can tell one when I see one.

22 April 2008

My man got beat, but the Blue Team still leads

The following is transcribed from Sen. McGovern's speech Saturday night at the McGovern Day dinner in Sioux Falls.

This is the greatest country on the face of the earth, I still think that. But what a tragedy to have our reputation brought to the lowest level that any of us can remember. I'm sometimes charged with being a softie about war and national security.

Well, let me take one minute on that. When I was 19, Pearl Harbor was attacked. A few days later, I dropped out of college and volunteered to fly in the Army air corps and flew 35 missions over the most heavily defended targets in Europe. I've always been proud of that service in World War II; I've never had one day of regret that I participated in helping to smash Hitler's war machine. And let me just add this. There's never been a day in my adult life when I wouldn't have gladly sacrificed that life if America was faced with a genuine threat to our national security.

Some years ago, I was on one of the networks with former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, one of the chief architects of the war in Vietnam. But the reason I was on television that night is he had just come out with a new book saying that the war was not only it was a mistake, in his words it was a tragic mistake. Well, in the course of that three-way discussion, which included in addition to Secretary McNamara and myself, Sen. John McCain. And in McCain's first opening remarks, he said, well we all know that George McGovern knows little about national defense.

Let me tell you what I would say to John McCain: neither of us is an expert on national defense. It's true that you went to one of the service academies but you were in the bottom of the class. It's true that you were a pilot in Vietnam, that you were shot down and spent most of the war in prison and we all sympathize with that and honor you for your courage. But you and I both had these battle experiences, you as a Navy fighter plane, I as an army bomber. I am not going to criticize your war record and your knowledge of national security, but I don't want you criticizing mine either.

If I'd be allowed just one little dig at Senator McCain, since he gave me one. I would say, 'John, you were shot down early in the war and spent most of the time in prison. I flew 35 combat missions with a 10-man crew and brought them home safely every time.'

21 April 2008

20 April 2008

19 April 2008


York Poquoson Democratic Committee News and Notes

April 19, 2008

Greetings from the Chair:

Presidential Caucus results

Thanks to Chris Mayer for helping me staff the polls today. The two woman race for the Poquoson delegate resulted in a tie vote. This tie was resolved by a coin toss. Here is a listing of the elected YPDC delegates and alternates for the state and 1st CD convention:

York County

  • Clinton Delegates (5 delegates and 3 alternates allocated) 5 applications were received. The winners have been declared. the Clinton delegates are

1. John M. Finn

2. Kathryn M. Finn

3. Lynn A Murray

4. Claire Stephens

5. Jake G. Zalumas

  • Obama Delegates (10 delegates and 5 alternates allocated) 9 applications were received. The winners have been declared and the delegates are

1. Paige Reid Archer

2. Mary Suzanne Creasey

3. Robert DuCote

4. Samuel L. Eure, Jr.

5. Ralph J. Grimsley

6. Christopher A. Mayer

7. Andrew Smith

8. Phillip C. Wolf

9. Cheryl Zando

17 April 2008

I guess I am in, then

York Poquoson Democratic Committee News and Notes
April 17, 2008
Greetings from the Chair:

Saturday Delegate Caucus needed only for Poquoson delegates

Only 14 people have signed up for the York County delegate race by the deadline. There were 9 Obama applicants and 5 Clinton applicants. Since we are allotted 10 Obama delegates and five Clinton delegates from York, I am cancelling the York County portion of Saturday’s caucus, and declaring all the York applicants as the winners. I still could use up to 8 more alternates for the York portion of the delegation (5 for Obama and 3 for Clinton). Let me know if you are a resident of York and wish to participate as an alternate for either candidate or if you wish to fill in our last remaining Obama delegate slot.

Please show up to the caucus only if you are a resident of Poquoson and wish to vote for Poquoson delegates. We had three people sign up as Poquoson delegates : 1 for Clinton and 1 for Obama. We are allocated 1 Clinton delegate and 1 Obama delegate. We are also allotted 1 Obama alternate. The Clinton applicant from Poquoson is hereby declared the winner. So the only purpose of showing up to vote is to pick which of the 2 Obama applicants you favor. The winner will be selected as the delegate and the loser, as the alternate. If no one shows up, I will flip a coin.

The unassembled caucus will be held on Saturday, April 19, 2000 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm. We will meet at the at the York County Public Library, George Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, Virginia.

* * * * *

I submitted my application to be a Democratic Party delegate to the Virginia State Democratic Convention. The Convention will be held on June 13 - 15, 2008 at the Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, Virginia. The convention elects At-Large, Party Leaders and Elected Officials, and Unpledged Add-On National Delegates and Alternates. It also elects two representatives to the Electoral College, Virginia's four members of the Democratic National Committee, and generally adopts a Platform.

When I retired from the military last year I longed to find a place for myself in the democratic process that determines how this country governs itself. I guess I am about to slide down that slippery slope in what seems to me to be a fairly big way. I have no idea about what I am about to begin, but I trust I will find out.

At least, I hope so.

God bless America

Got to love it

"Yahoo Poll Shows McCain winning back unhappy Republicans" - AP

He had the Republican yahoo vote from the beginning.

Tempted to be ashamed and bitter

"But there is no news anymore. We defy anyone to watch the performance of Gibson and Stephanopoulos last night...and then, turn over to C-SPAN for coverage of Cheney at the Radio & Television Correspondents Dinner. Watch the press pissing themselves with laughter over inane quips from a blood-drenched torturer...and tell us this country isn't fucked."

- Jerry and Joe Long
Huffington Post

"Hillary Clinton has much good in her abilities. She has qualities that could make her an excellent president. But we are watching a person disintegrate before our eyes, throwing out the quality of her past and risking her future. But this isn't about Hillary Clinton. This is about Charles Gibson, George Stephanopoulos and ABC "News." They were given a high responsibility to broadcast in the public interest. Instead, they spent the time in the empty gutter."
- Robert J. Elisberg
Huffinton Post

"Obama might have said that, thanks to Stephanopoulos' question, the effort to convince voters that he poses a potential violent threat to America has taken on a third dimension. ... He might then have said that Stephanopoulos' question introduced a third level in this violent branding of his campaign: a level whereby Obama--by virtue of the past political affiliations of one of his constituents--might potentially be a domestic terrorist, too. ... Having said that, he could have paused and emphasized that all of it, of course, is lies. But worse than lies, he might have told the American people, the attempt to frame him in violent terms is a sort of politics so ugly and so sickening that Americans with good hearts and open minds are loathe to even think about it. ... The choice we face in this election, Obama might have said, is between that politics of violent rhetoric and fearful smears, and the productive, pragmatic, truly American politics of working together, solving the problems we face, and achieving our future."
- Jeffrey Feldman
Huffington PostFormer Clinton White House paid shill and
supposed objective ABC "debate" moderator.

(Watch for hidden finger!)

15 April 2008

A spade a spade

"Yes, I've had my own problem with Obama's cool demeanor in the past but I see it now for what it is; the careful manner of a man who occasionally puts up a protective shield between himself and the world. And well he should. Let's cut to the chase, as they used to say in Hollywood. What the elite-mongers are actually doing is calling Obama an uppity nigger and he knows it. What they are saying is "How dare this black man who was raised by a single mother on food stamps and managed to make his way through Harvard pass judgment on those poor whites who didn't have his good fortune in being born black and poor?" Why can't he be more like that decent Colin Powell who took his orders from Bush and spread his lies before the United Nations and then went home to choke on them? Or more like Condi who does a little tap dance with the truth every time she is called before Congress to testify about her egregious failures of judgment? That's the way decent black folks are supposed to behave in government these days."

- Sherman Yellen
Huffington Post

13 April 2008

Same old same old

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Heaven forbid we should suggest that bitterness might exist in this country of such optimism or that this emotion might be an appropriate and effective reaction to current circumstances. Hillary Clinton countered with this statement. "Well, that is not my experience," she said. "As I travel around Pennsylvania I meet people who are resilient, optimistic, positive...If we start acting like Americans," she said, "and role up our sleeves, we can make sure that America's best years are ahead of us." McCain's spokesman chimed in. "It shows an elitism and condescension towards hardworking Americans that is nothing short of breathtaking...It is hard to imagine someone running for president who is more out of touch with average Americans."

Are you kidding me? Pulling the curtain back on a very effective political trick, the old bait and switch, is far from elitist. Americans are working harder than ever. Two job families are the norm. Yet the poor and middle class are falling further behind. What is breathtakingly condescending is watching two candidates stroke this group with platitudes about their being tough and resilient. What exactly has that gotten them? Nada. The real stereotype Clinton and McCain are playing on is that blue collar workers are easily manipulated and will 'stay down' if you just tell them they are hardworking, patriotic, value-driven Americans.

Oh, and Hillary is now a gun lover ... kill'd ducks 'n ever'thing ...

Update: "She's running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsmen, how she values the Second Amendment, she's talking like she's Annie Oakley!” Obama said at a stop in Pennsylvania. “Hillary Clinton's out there like she's on the duck blind every Sunday, she's packin' a six shooter! C'mon! She knows better. That's some politics being played by Hillary Clinton. I want to see that picture of her out there in the duck blinds.”

“Around election time, the candidates can’t do enough. They'll promise you anything, give you a long list of proposals and even come around, with TV crews in tow, to throw back a shot and a beer,” Obama said, stirring laughter from an audience of steelworkers and steel industry executives. “But if those same candidates are taking millions of dollars in contributions from the PACs and the lobbyists, ask yourself, who are they going to be toasting once the election is over?”

06 April 2008

The choice is pretty clear if you are a Democrat ...

You can vote for a boob with two nuts---or a nut with two boobs.


04 April 2008


"Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."

[Postscript - The next day, April 4, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was struck down by an assassin's bullet. He did not get to the promised land with his brothers and sisters. But he did do God's will. And now, he is free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty he is free at last.]

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was just 39 years old and already a Nobel Peace Prize recipient when he was struck down. His presence was the high water mark of liberalism in this country, which gave us civil rights and voting rights, the Job Corps, Medicare and Medicaid among other blessings of society. His death opened the door to the Nixonian "law and order" era of fascism which crested with the reign of Bush and Cheney.

An exhaustive TIME magazine article on Dr. King's death and that fateful Summer of 1968.