15 March 2008

Rep. Sally Kern (R-OK) Refuses to Apologize for Hate Speech

Worked great so far .... the world's finest military spiralling downward toward cesspools in Iraq and Afghanistan while tinhorn junta's in our own backyard sneer at our flaccid leader and piss on his boots:

Chavez said the "threat to include us on the terrorist list" is Washington's response to his government's successes in the region. "We shouldn't forget for an instant that we're in a battle against North American imperialism," Chavez said. "On this continent, they have us as enemy No. 1. Let them make that list and shove it ... in their ... pocket."

Ecuadorean leader Rafael Correa on Thursday delivered an angry response to Bush's strong support for Colombia in the wake of their raid, challenging the U.S. president to send troops to Ecuador's border with Colombia. "Bring your soldiers Mr. Bush," Correa said in the speech. "Let it be your soldiers who die along the southern border with Colombia. We'll see if the Americans, the citizens of the United States, will accept tremendous atrocity.

"If not, shut your mouth and understand what is happening in Latin America."

If only we could get that Constitutional Marriage Amendment passed to keep those damn queers from marrying, everything in the world would be okay and Katrina would never have hit New Orleans.

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